November Goals — The Restless Wild

November Goals

*Required disclosure: this post includes affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of my links I get a small (at no cost to you!) commission. I promise to only link products that I'd recommend and use myself. I strongly encourage you to first consider shopping small and locally, even if it means I don't get the referral commission. Otherwise I really appreciate your support.

What a month! 

Recap of October goals:


My goal was to write 31 days. I wrote 29 days. Not bad. I have no idea how I'm going to top that for November (ha, forget topping it: I just don't want this blog to disappear during this month), so we'll figure something out asap.


I was aiming to get a new camera and to set up a pricing page.  I made progress on the pricing page, but nothing's published yet. I organized my galleries - check them out if you haven't already! I'm hoping to get some prices up asap for client bookings based on shoot type, so keep an eye out for that.

I did however get a new camera! I got the new Canon 5D Mark IV* - oooh shiny! I don't know about you but I can already tell a huge difference between the pictures taken with the old Nikon* (that now feels like a dinky toy in my hand) and with the new whopper. Mmmm shiny new camera! 😍


Tuna Run 200 - check! I've got race reports on all three legs here, here, and here.

Keep training for my half marathon - check! I did 13 miles last weekend and 6 miles this weekend and am feeling hot and ready for the races. (Hello, taper crazies!)


Explore Charleston - bust. Total bust. Thanks, Hurricane Matthew. That's two years in a row, so next year I'm going to Colorado or somewhere not in hurricane territory for my birthday, and I'll sneak a trip to Charleston eventually. (Maybe if I don't plan the trip and just do a spontaneous weekend trip then Mother Nature can't brew up a wicked storm, right?). In the mean time, don't forget to support hurricane relief efforts.


Open up - I'm not sure how well I did this because it's a totally subjective goal, but I like to think I've used the 31 day writing challenge to put a little more of my personality out there.

November Goals


Post at least 3 times a week. Preferably on a real schedule, like every M/W/F at 7pm. That would be nice, wouldn't it?


Work hard on some upcoming gigs. Whether it's family photos for holiday cards or baby milestone photos or product photos, I've got a few things lined up for November to keep me busy.

Come up with a game plan for 2017. I've got lots of ideas of what to do with photography, but things like pricing pages and business plans and the like require some of my attention.


Race the Richmond half marathon! Oh yeah, it's on like Donkey Kong.

Climb at least once a week. Because why not, right?

Opt Outside. Last year REI announced they would close on Black Friday and "#OptOutside." Since my idea of fun doesn't include crowds or getting trampled for some stupid material item I whole-heartedly embraced this and "Opted Outside" with the Art Loeb Trail and Cold Mountain. That adventure wasn't exactly my finest moment in the wilderness, but with few obligations over Thanksgiving this year I'm going to tackle another big backpacking trip. (And I promise I'll actually plan, organize, and pack ahead of time this year).


Check out Richmond. Since I'll be there for the race I might as well take a look-see around the city, right? I'll be taking recommendations on what to see all this week, please and thank you.


Don't go bonkers. It was super stressful running every day and writing every day and doing work and photography and everything else I'm committed to. I'm going to make an actual effort to not lose my mind this month.

Make at least two dishes using recipes from "Run Fast Eat Slow." I was super excited to get a signed copy of the cookbook "Run Fast Eat Slow*" by Olympic runner Shalane Flanagan and chef/nutrition coach Elyse Kopecky when they were in Carrboro for a book event. (If you missed my post on that event I highly recommend you catch up on it here!)

Read two books. Does this count under writing or personal? Probably both. The truth here is I love reading, but too often I get sucked into magazines and thought articles and the books I read are these massive classics for which I have oscillating levels of interest. However, this month I read an easier contemporary book and devoured it in a week. I'm curious if I can double that number in November.


What about you? Do you have any goals for November?



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