March Goals

And a recap of February 2017 goals

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They say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, but I feel like this March is just going to be a big ol' polar bear on a melting ice cap.

Too soon?

Fiiiiiiine. Let's talk about goals!

Recap of February Goals:


Post at least 4 times a week. Boooo fail. I was all over the place with posts this February. Better luck next time.

Work on another fiction story. I got one started and made some decent progress, yes!


Complete another class. Not quite, but I did start another class and got through a few of the lessons.

Go on a photo walk with the sole intention to randomly shoot photos. I didn't go on an urban walk, but I went on several Sunday strolls with the sole intention to shoot photos. Close enough!


Keep pushing with the half marathon training: Good progress! Just over four weeks left of half marathon training!

Go shopping for new running clothes: Yes! I got the goods! I already talked about the leggings and arm warmers and I've got a few other great items!

Climb at least once a week: Well, with four climbing sessions it averaged out to once a week, but it was more like "skip two weeks and then cram in a bunch of sessions in the last 1.5 weeks of the month." So no, I didn't really hit this goal.

Practice yoga twice. ::sigh:: I was really hoping that I would go to this one class and love it and it would solve all my yoga problems, but it didn't, and so I just did yoga once and now I'm back to square one.

Go on two hikes. Success! I went on THREE hikes! I've got posts up for Little River and Carroll Howard Johnson Environmental Education Park in Fuquay-Varina (that's a mouthful) - and look for a post on Goose Creek State Park soon!


Reschedule my trip to Denver. Not done yet, but on the plus side I've been doing lots of research so I'm actually planning this time!

Plan a backpacking trip in the spring. Ehhhh it's coming up soon. My friend and I keep talking about it. We'll probably keep talking about it until right before we have to leave for the trip, since that's how I roll.

Make a list of other places I want to visit this year. Yeah. I kept trying to make this list. I ended up with every country on it every time. Fail.


Make that dish from Run Fast Eat Slow! Ughhh one of these days I'll give up on trying to do anything in the kitchen. When will I learn?!

Read a book. I was halfway through a book at the start of February. I'm 3/4 of the way through it now. (I'm blaming February for being a short month!)

Sleep more. Nope. I'm pretty sure I slept LESS. Can I get a redo on this? (But seriously, I'd love to have that sleep!)

Not a great result for this month, so let's aim a little smarter for March.

March Goals:


Post at least 3 times a week. I was doing so well in January posting every day but in February I totally fell apart. I need a solid planning session and I'll get back on track.

Finish the fiction story I started. Okay, at least finish a draft.


Complete another class. Outdoor photography with Chris Burkard, yeah! (Seriously, I'm so stoked about this!)

Save up for a new lens. That Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM zoom lens* is seriously screaming my name right now.


Race in the Rock'n'Roll Raleigh half marathon! Technically this is an April goal since the race is on April 2, but April 1 falls on a Saturday so I probably won't have a goals post up on exactly April 1, so let's get excited about the race now!

Climb at least once a week and go to at least one climbing Meetup. Emily and I were talking recently about how much we've improved since we've started climbing - she was rocking some 5.9 routes and I apparently am not visibly shaking like a leaf the entire time I'm on the wall (ftw!). We figure it's about time (aka long overdue) for us to stop being anti-social and actually make some climbing friends. 

Practice yoga twice. I might be flying solo on this if I don't find a yoga class I like that fits my schedule, but that's alright.

Go backpacking! Yes spring! Yassssss spring! Get me on top of a mountain!

Go on 3 other hikes. Hey, that 52 Hike Challenge ain't gonna hike itself.


Reschedule the trip to Denver. No but forreal, I gotta do this.

Plan a climbing trip! I've been thinking about this a lot. It might be time to try out a natural rock wall in late spring!


Finish reading that book. Oh, and in case you're interested, yes, it's a good book. It's The Marriage Plot* by Jeffrey Eugenides (you might recognize him for The Virgin Suicides* or Middlesex*). It's not the book's fault I haven't finished reading it; I'm just a really slow reader sometimes. (This is what happens when your expectation of reading includes curling up on a Saturday afternoon in the outdoor furniture by the bird feeder and reading in a sunny spot totally immersed in the text. Gotta get some more realistic expectations here.)

Do taxes. If I don't write them down as a goal for this month then they won't happen this month!

There you have it! Goals for March. Do you set goals, and do you have any goals for this month?


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