Fri-yay Fast Feature: Rebecca Mehra


Fri-yay Fast Feature: Rebecca Mehra

Looking forward to chatting with an elite 800 and 1500 meter runner

Super fast I wanted to feature one of my favorite fast athletes today on the blog — Rebecca Mehra! I first saw Rebecca at Sir Walter Miler in 2019 and recognized her as a Oiselle Haute Volée (elite team) athlete. Rebecca is a professional mid-distance runner specializing in the 800 meter and 1500 meter (basically the mile for those of us less immersed in track & field).


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February 2021 Bullet Journal Plan With Me


February 2021 Bullet Journal Plan With Me

Romantic vintage handkerchiefs and pearls

I’m not usually the type of person who gets excited about Valentine’s Day, but when I was digging through my drawer full of scarves and found some vintage handkerchiefs that once belonged to my grandmother, they put me into a sort of vintage romantic mood. Vintage handkerchiefs, romantic pearls, and suddenly I had a February 2021 BuJo theme!


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Fri-yay Fast Favorite: Yoga with Adriene


Fri-yay Fast Favorite: Yoga with Adriene

Following along with “Breath — A 30 Day Yoga Journey”

I’m usually pretty quiet on the blog towards the end of the week, but I thought I might start a habit of Fri-yay Fast Favorites — super quick little posts about some of the things I’m enjoying recently. And first in the series is this year’s Yoga with Adriene 30 day yoga journey!


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Time for Team: the Oiselle Volée


Time for Team: the Oiselle Volée

As the local leader for Durham, NC I want to personally invite you to join the team

When I was reflecting on my core values and goals for 2021, I realized one of the key things I want to focus on is community. The Oiselle Volée community has greatly impacted me (not just in my running but personally) and I want to extend the invitation to you while the membership window is open.


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January 2021 Goals


January 2021 Goals

Setting new monthly goals based on my annual 2021 goals

Hi and welcome to my monthly goals post! It’s been a long time, but I’m resurrecting my goals posts where I include pictures of my dog dressed up all cute (or at least I think he’s cute) and I talk about my goals for the month. Since this is my first goals post of the year I’m just going to set new monthly goals based on my annual goals. Going forward, I’ll recap how I did for the last month and set new goals for the next month.


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January 2021 Bullet Journal Plan With Me


January 2021 Bullet Journal Plan With Me

Navigation and antique navigational instruments themed

It’s 2021!! Yayayayay let’s celebrate with a January 2021 bullet journal plan with me! Or, yunno, champagne or bourbon works too. This month’s theme is navigation and antique navigational instruments — such as sextants, compasses, sundials, telescopes, etc.


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