What's Going On Around Here?
Rebranding and fun updates!
You may have noticed some changes around here.
Okay, you may have noticed SEVERAL changes around here.
Change is good!
And while I get all excited about tinkering and can't keep a secret or wait for a big reveal, we're getting closer to some stability around here.
What's different?
New logo! Fantastic work by http://qzeeprints.com/
First, you may have noticed the new logo!
A huge thanks to Qiudi from http://qzeeprints.com/ for the awesome design! I am so excited with how the design turned out and I hope you all love it as much as I do!
Also, as part of being true to branding I've revamped most social media pages to match @therestlesswild. I keep finding random profiles that need fixing though, so there might be a few outliers.
You may have noticed things look different on the "About" page.
Apparently you all like knowing the vision of the blog and some details about who I am. Ugh. I don't actually like talking about myself, which I realize is a bit oxymoronic for someone who runs a blog. Hopefully the "About" section makes me sound more human than "Lizbot" but if you ever want to know more about me, don't hesitate to ask!
A picture of me?!
The navigation links have been jazzed up.
You can browse blog posts by category now! Isn't that exciting? Just want to read running articles? You can do that! Just want to browse backpacking stories? You can do that! 🙌
Navigation to point you where you want to go.
We've added some of the important stuff.
Mission statement? Core values? Disclaimer? Yeah, we've got that.
Kinda boring. But very necessary.
I launched a new website for my portrait photography!
No more of this here! Head over to www.lizgoodmanphotography.com if you want to see cute babies!
You'll still see outdoor and adventure photography here, but if you're looking for pictures of cute babies that's on www.lizgoodmanphotography.com now!
What's still in the works?
Improved tagging.
I knew one day I would regret not having a better category and tagging system. Yeah. That day has come. Regret. Regrettttttttttt.
I'm slowly working my way through old posts so you can better find the content you're interested in. Bear with me please. It's a painful process.
Posts by location.
Did you know you can browse posts by where they are on a map?! Heck yeah you can! But what if you could browse posts by a specific region? Oooooh now you're talking. Yeah, that's coming. Slowly but surely it's coming!
Better (and more!) content!
I heard recently that blogging has a "summer slump" in that there are fewer posts published by otherwise regular bloggers. I know I'm guilty of that, but it's because I'm out running around like a headless chicken doing half a gazillion things: photos, running, backpacking, work...there's only so much mental bandwidth in a day. That doesn't mean I don't value this blog. It means I want to provide quality, relevant posts. I want to share worthwhile information, inspiring stories, and beautiful imagery. I'm working on that.
I also want to hear from you.
Are there particular posts you love seeing? Do you have specific photos you looooooove? Let me know in the comments or shoot me an email!
So what are your thoughts?
Love it? 😍 Hate it? 😡 Didn't even notice a difference? 😭 Let me know in the comments! And as always thanks for reading, and I'll see you out there.