Tar Heel 10 Miler - Corporate Challenge
Rho takes home trophy for fittest company for its corporate category
Remember how my coworkers are awesome and get involved in the community? Yeah, they went and did it again. The Tar Heel 10 Miler was this weekend and somehow we won our company category for the "FITTEST" company award. As the race website explains:
“The Tar Heel 10 Miler UnitedHealthcare Corporate Challenge is a competition designed to honor the companies or organizations that best exemplify a commitment to health & wellness. This is your chance to represent your company by joining your co-workers as you compete in the 10 miler or 4 mile run.”
The fittest company award goes to the company with the highest level of employees and employee family/friends participating in the 10 Miler and 4 mile races. And this year we happened to win!
Winning meant showing up to the race expo with a few coworkers and picking up a shiny trophy. Mmmm participation awards!
I'm behind the camera, so you don't see me. But I ran too!
Keep an eye out for my uh...unique...race report coming this week, and I'll see you out there!
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