Restless Runday Day 23 Streak Summary
Y'all. Day 23. Can you believe it's Day 23?! I'll be honest though: I've only run 21 days. I'm going to count 22 though, because I ran 3 times in 2 days this past weekend as part of the Tuna Run 200, a relay race from Raleigh to Atlantic Beach. And today I'm just being lazy and recovering from that race. We'll be back on track tomorrow.
6:20am, 2am, and 11am. Those were my race leg start times. Roughly. And my, did it feel good!
The race also meant my blog posts got derailed, but there was a massive hack that shut down a ton of sites on Saturday too, so I don't feel bad about that.
Total distance run last Saturday through Friday: 22.94 miles
All the other numbers are squishy since things got messed up with the race, but the good news is I survived: I didn't get run over by a car on some dark country road, I didn't get chased by a dog (though some other runners did), I didn't even get all that sore and sleep-deprived (it was about normal amounts of soreness and sleep deprivation for me, so nothing new). And the best news is I've got pics to prove it happened! Check back on the blog tomorrow for more.
Before there were races and ultras in my life, before there were run clubs and communities on my radar, and before there were training programs and coaching calls on a weekly basis, there was running and there were adventures.