PR Hopes and Fears
Worried about not PRing? Here are a few other things about a race to look forward to.
I am trying so hard to psych myself up for this race.
The Rock'n'Roll Raleigh marathon and half marathon is coming up on Sunday, and I'm racing the half. Racing? Running? One of those. I'll be trying to race my time to see if I can somehow get it under 2 hours and 10 minutes, but at the same time I'm worried. This is my fifth half marathon, but I'm worried this will be the first race that I don't PR. It's stupid to think I can improve my time indefinitely. One day I'm going to race and I won't PR and that will just have to be okay.
I just don't want it to be this race.
So, just in case I don't PR this weekend, here are a few things I can still look forward to:
1) Free weekends
No more long runs! Okay, so I'll probably still do some long runs, but at least I won't have to do them for a while. And I can go backpacking guilt-free!
2) Bling
PR or not, I'm getting that race medal!
3) The Rock'n'Roll Experience
I've heard lots about the Rock'n'Roll race experience with bands and good crowds. I'll let you know my thoughts afterwards of course!
4) New running gear
PR or not, I'm getting some shiny new gear (especially after I ripped up my leggings a couple weeks ago when I tripped on my long run. RIP Oiselle leggings!)
5) Racing with friends
Running with your friends can give you a huge boost, and I'm excited to race with friends again! If all else fails, I can always "PR in fun"!
My running group! <3 We were dressed up as Skittles for our last long run.
What gets you psyched up for a race?