What it’s like to recover after completing a 100 mile race? To be honest, it’s still an on-going lesson. There’s been a lot of rest. There’s been a lot of food. There’s been a lot of walking. There’s been some rock climbing and mountain biking and a few attempts for some veeerrrryyyyy easy runs. And there’s been plenty of time for me to go slightly stir crazy and dabble in some neglected hobbies (see Exhibit A: a blog post for no particular reason!) 😆
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Photos from the garden
One of the reasons we picked our particular house when we were house hunting last summer was the yard. I was adamant that I wanted a house with a big yard for Ryder and for gardening. The yard already had a good amount of landscaping, so it's been a lot of fun to discover what flowers pop up this spring - and here are the latest blossoms!
Catching a glimpse of spring through photos
I'm pretty sure my body is in shock - it was freezing this weekend on the Appalachian Trail and yesterday in Durham it was in the 80s! What what what?! On my run yesterday my body was like, "what is wrongggggg with this world?! I was hot and then cold, yes and then no..." but hey, that's NC weather for you. (Yes, NC weather is a Katy Perry song.) Even so, I've managed to get a few sneak peek photos of spring. Enjoy!
Spring is for new beginnings. Cliche, okay, but it's the season whose whole purpose is building and growing, so this weekend I built and planted. My work is sponsoring a house build through Habitat for Humanity of Orange County and as part of the sponsorship several of my coworkers and I volunteered at a build site on Saturday.