Reusing old egg cartons to start seeds
When I was a little girl I grew up in the countryside outside Atlanta (yeah, decades ago that still existed) and my family had a huge fruit and vegetable garden. Now that McCrae and I are in our own house and spring is tantalizing me with its options I'm itching to add to the garden that is already established on my little half acre. But I have a confession: when it comes to gardens my strategy is more "plant it" than "plan it." I like to experiment in the garden and prefer plants that flourish on their own, and my latest experiment is growing plants from seeds!
Photos from the garden
One of the reasons we picked our particular house when we were house hunting last summer was the yard. I was adamant that I wanted a house with a big yard for Ryder and for gardening. The yard already had a good amount of landscaping, so it's been a lot of fun to discover what flowers pop up this spring - and here are the latest blossoms!
My slightly fanatical tendencies towards eco-friendly crunchy/granola habits
Last summer my friend (another Emily than the one I went backpacking with) and I were packing up her family’s beach house so it could be empty for a couple months, and I made sure the discarded food containers were recycled. I didn’t think anything about this until months later when Emily told me that this experience had reminded her how much we waste when we don’t recycle and that she’d started recycling more items on a regular basis. Once I realized I was a little fanatical in my recycling habits, friends pointed out other habits of mine that I didn’t realize were that unusual. After a while these eccentricities piled up and I realized I could write a whole blog series on green options, so today I'm introducing the "Good & Green" series!