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125 Gators...126 Gators...127 Alligators in Okefenokee Swamp

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125 Gators...126 Gators...127 Alligators in Okefenokee Swamp

When I decided to kayak 10 miles out to a platform campsite in the middle of a Georgia swamp I figured I'd see some gators. I had no idea I'd see well over a hundred!

127 gators. That's how many alligators I'd seen since I set off from the Suwanee Canal entrance of Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia at 10am on April 14. I know because I kept count.

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Blood Mountain


Blood Mountain

Traffic was awful. I had no idea that Labor Day weekend sees some of the busiest traffic of the year, but I had already committed to driving to Atlanta on Friday evening, so I gritted my teeth and pushed through the frustratingly slow drive. First there were delays leaving Chapel Hill, and then there were slowdowns along I-85 south in Greensboro and Charlotte, and inexplicable stop-and-go traffic along random stretches through South Carolina.


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